Protecting against scams

Suspicious emails, voicemails, and other solicitations are an unfortunate part of everyday life, and incidences of identity theft continue to rise. Knowledge is the best defense for your personal information and financial well-being.

Learn more

NH Consumer Insight, a newsletter created by the state Consumer Protection and Antitrust Bureau, provides helpful information that consumers can use to protect themselves from unfair and deceptive business practices, as well as scams.

The AARP Scams and Fraud page features news and tips, including specific information about dozens of specific scams, such as Charity Scams, Debt Relief Scams, Grandparent Scams, Robocalls, and more.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides information on limiting unwanted calls and emails, online security, identity theft, and newly reported scams. You can also view their Protecting Your Privacy Online page for helpful information on privacy protection for you and your family, as well as how to handle online abuse and harassment. There are even more online security tips available from the U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

If you think someone is using your personal information to open accounts, file taxes, or make purchases, visit to report and recover from identity theft.

The NH Attorney General’s office has created a Consumer Sourcebook containing general information about the laws that apply to a variety of consumer transactions.

If you receive a spam call or illegal robocall, you can report it to the NH Consumer Protection Bureau.  Email them  at, or call 271-3641 (staffed weekdays, 9  a.m. to 3 p.m., and messages can be left at other times), or fill out a complaint form at the Consumer Protection Bureau website,

Download or print the “Money Smart for Older Adults” guidebook from the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This guidebook provides information and tips to help prevent common frauds, scams, and other types of elder financial exploitation. provides free resources on how to avoid popular scams and identity theft threats.

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