Working After Retirement

Becoming an NHRS retiree doesn't mean you have to stop working entirely, but there are several important rules regarding post-retirement employment that every retiree should be aware of.
Learn More About Working After Retirement

What Have You Been Up to in Retirement?

We asked NHRS retirees what they have been up to since beginning their retirement, and received many submissions from talented and adventurous retirees. We always look forward to receiving new submissions.
See What Your Fellow Retirees Have Been Up To

Pay Dates

NHRS benefit payments are issued on the last business day of the month.

June 28, 2024
July 31, 2024
August 30, 2024
September 30, 2024
October 31, 2024
November 29, 2024
December 31, 2024





In an effort to help provide a well-rounded view of retirement and related issues to our members and retirees, NHRS shares retirement-related articles to our Facebook and Twitter pages, along with articles dealing with financial literacy and protecting yourself against scams. Below are some recent articles that retirees may find useful.

Protecting your privacy online

5 Social Security myths

What you can do to fend off hackers

Self-defense against scams


Retirement Connection Blog

Let Us Know How to Reach You

Apr 01, 2024
Be sure to update your contact information (address, phone number, or email) whenever it changes.
Full story

2024 Federal Tax Information

Dec 28, 2023
NHRS is providing this general information as a courtesy to our retirees. If you have additional tax questions, you should consult with the IRS or your tax advisor. The retirement system cannot provide advice regarding federal income tax issues.
Full story

Federal income tax withholding on monthly retirement benefits

Nov 17, 2023
This notice is being provided in accordance with federal regulations that require NHRS to notify you every year of your right to change your federal income tax withholding. The most recent Form W-4P that you have filed with the retirement system automatically remains in effect, unless you file a new Form W-4P. If you do not wish to make an election or to change your prior election, no action is necessary.
Full story

Employment of Retirees with NHRS-Participating Employers

Oct 27, 2023
This annual notice is being provided pursuant to RSA 100-A:7-a, which requires the NHRS to provide annual written notice to retirees regarding the statutory limitations on post-retirement employment with NHRS-participating employers.
Full story

The Bigger Picture

NHRS provides a lifetime benefit to eligible members, however, the pension is only one component of a secure retirement. While the retirement system cannot provide individual financial planning advice, we encourage all of our members to take a proactive role in understanding their personal financial needs and preparing for their retirement. This section lists resources on retirement planning and overall financial literacy from governmental, non-profit, media, and public service entities. Check Out These Resources for Retirees 

Educational Videos