Disability Retirement

Members who are no longer able to perform the duties of their NHRS-covered employment due to an incapacity (either mental or physical) that is likely to be permanent may qualify for a Disability Retirement benefit. The Disability Retirement pension will be payable for the eligible member’s lifetime if the member’s disability continues.

There are two primary types of disability benefits:

  • Ordinary Disability, which is a non-job-related permanent incapacity
  • Accidental Disability, which is a job-related permanent incapacity

In addition, there is a Group II (Police and Fire) Violent Accidental Disability limited to circumstances where a member “has been totally and permanently incapacitated for duty as the result of a purposeful, hostile, and violent attack upon such member in the line of duty.”

Eligibility for Ordinary Disability Retirement (non job-related)

A member may qualify for Ordinary Disability Retirement under the following conditions:

  • Active member becomes disabled due to a non-work-related condition
  • Member’s disability is likely to be permanent
  • Minimum of 10 years of Creditable Service is required
  • Member’s application for disability retirement is filed within one year of the date the member's contributions to NHRS cease
  • Member’s Disability Retirement application is approved by the NHRS Board of Trustees or its Benefits Committee

Eligibility for Accidental Disability Retirement (job-related)

A member may qualify for Accidental Disability Retirement under the following conditions:

  • Active member becomes disabled due to a work-related condition
  • Member’s disability is likely to be permanent
  • No minimum service is required
  • Member’s application for disability retirement is filed within one year of the date the member's contributions to NHRS cease
  • Member’s Disability Retirement application is approved by the NHRS Board of Trustees or its Benefits Committee
  • Generally, there must be a finding of compensability under Workers’ Compensation by the employer, the employer's insurance carrier or the Commissioner of Labor 

Eligibility for Group II Violent Accidental Disability Retirement

A Group II member who is granted Accidental Disability benefits may subsequently qualify for Violent Accidental Disability Retirement under the following conditions:

  • Active Group II member becomes disabled from a violent attack in the line of duty as defined in RSA 100-A:6, II(e)
  • Group II member’s disability is likely to be permanent
  • No minimum service is required
  • Group II member’s application for disability retirement is filed within one year of the date the Group II member's contributions to NHRS cease
  • The Commissioner of the Department of Safety determines that the incapacitating event meets the criteria of a violent attack under RSA 100-A:6, II(e) and notifies the NHRS Board of Trustees. Note: If a Violent Accidental Disability Retirement is granted, the benefit will be retroactive to the first day of the month following the date of application.

Disability Retirement Brochure