My Account 2.0: Details

Username Requirements

Usernames must not include spaces or any of these special characters (~`!#$%^&*()-+={}[]|\:;"'<>,?/).”

Password Requirements

All passwords must be at least 12 characters, and contain:

  • uppercase letters
  • lowercase letters
  • numbers
  • special characters (@~#$^()_+=-!,.?') 

The password cannot include your username.

Note: Whenever a password change is made, the user will receive an email notification.

Additional Information

  • Once you are logged in, you can access the help menu in the navigation section on the left-hand side of the screen to view detailed information on how to use the site.
  • Along with the help menu, there is an FAQ link the navigation section on the left-hand side of the screen that lists answers to common questions our users have contacted us about.