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DRS Upgrade Blog

This blog contains information for employers specifically related to the upgrade of the NHRS Data Reporting System (DRS). For general employer information, please visit our main employer page.

Sneak Peek at the New DRS Dashboard

Sep 06, 2022
Hopefully by now employers are well aware of NHRS's pension software upgrade from PensionGold version 2 to PensionGold version 3 (PGV3). This upgrade will impact the Data Reporting System (DRS) and will make the reporting process much more streamlined for employers. Currently, NHRS is planning to go-live with the new DRS in Fall/Winter 2023.

But enough talk... we thought we would give employers a glimpse at what they can expect from the new DRS. The photo below is a screenshot of the new DRS Dashboard. Click on the image to see a larger view.

Dashboard 3-2022 - Redacted

Section 1:
Employers can use the Menu Bar to access:

  • The employer’s account balance, vouchers (including voucher numbers and due dates), batches (including batch numbers and status of current and former batches).
  • View and clear exceptions, submit reporting files, submit batches, lookup member tiers, upload documents, generate reports, and more.

Section 2:
Under Recent Batches, employers can view the status of current batches (submitted, in error, corrected, or rejected), as well as the next scheduled and/or unscheduled batches, and the most recently posted and/or balanced batch.

The Employer Communications section includes notifications that are automatically generated and sent to the employer related to the account or reporting batches.

Section 3:
The Employer Account section displays the employer’s next reporting due date, outstanding balance, last payment date and amount, and next payment due date if known.

The Associations section displays the employer’s representatives, associated plans, associated funds, and associated reporting agencies.

As we get closer to go-live, NHRS will provide training materials and sessions for employers to learn how to use the new DRS. In the meantime, visit the Operation Granite Wave page on our website for information and updates on the upgrade project (link below). 

Additional information

Hopefully all employers have had a chance to visit the Operation Granite Wave page on the NHRS website at: You can find project updates and documents, frequently asked questions, and general project information on these pages.

If you have questions about this project and how it affects participating employers, please reach out to NHRS at